Saturday, July 30, 2011

HaPpY BiRtHdAy GrAciE

Todays little Gracie's 1st birthday! She just got a brand new toy today that she loves!!
right after a big birthday yawn ( it looks like she's growling though!)
Little homemade party hat!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hello DoGgIeS (New video!)

Our little puppies starring in another video! We hope you like it! 
Gracie's birthday is Saturday too! So we are counting down! 4 more days until she's a big ol' one year old!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lucy Smiling and Waving?

Yesterday afternoon, I was just sitting on the couch watching a little TV when all of a sudden I felt something on my shoulder, guess who it was! It was Lucy, so I look over and see she's smiling(you know her weird smile, that looks like she's growling but isn't! If you haven't seen it, then just take a look at our pictures tab!) Lucy wasn't only smiling though, she was reaching with one of her paws toward my shoulder, it was as if she wanted a hand shake! I was just about to reach for my camera to record when the doorbell rang, and when our doorbell rings in the house, it calls for disaster for our three pups. Our dogs are pretty well trained, but when it comes to the doorbell and a few more household things that are out of the ordinary they go kind of crazy barking! So back to the story, right when i grabbed my camera to take a video, the doorbell rang and Lucy hopped up into battle position barking at the door. So, obviously I didn't get the video, but I thought I would still share this! :) 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SoMeThInG DiFfeReNt :)

Okay, today we are going to try something a little bit different! We are going to have a secret message in this post below(it will just be a story that we make up)! To figure the message out, just write down each letter that has something different to it (like highlighted, or color coated, or even underlined) but not to get to confusing, it all means the same thing, so don't go crazy on us like Lucy in the videos below! Our message may be a confession about one of our dogs or anything(also the post may be pretty weird so hang with us okay!) PS: Don't forget to comment us below the answer to the message!

AlL of a sudden under the covers of your bed, you hear sounds of mice dancing to your favorite beat. You get up, look around ifront of each thing in your room and in every corner. You think... maybe if your get a quart of milk,  iced tea, and redvines (the candy) you could get your mind straight. So off you ran into the pantry to get the redvines and other things. off you ran back to you room with the tub labelled redvines, with the milk, an the iced tea. You're inside now and the first thing you see is a walrus eating your sheets. A second later you see a blue and yellow elephant in your right corner, and another blue and yellow elephant in your left corner! You hear something eating something from your fridge. Another knawing sound tears through your ears. You sprint into the kitchen and look in the fridge trying to figure out why the food was all in there except one can of dog food. 2nd, you search every little corner in the kitchen. You see varied sizes and bits of food on the floor. You decide to wait and to see what ginormous has been eating some of your food inside your fridge. So you finally decide to follow the trail and see your cat. She purrs and walks alongside you. You hear growling and really begin noticing something, slowly your walking and head into the living room. Right before your eyes lays your dog with the can of dog food by its side. So, all the box labelled licorice and everything. You were just imagining all of the weird and creepy crawlers throughout the night, the culprit was your own little doggie. THE END

Did you get the message? If so, comment it below!